Aboriginal timeline: Northern Territory Intervention

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  1. The government extends income management to five new trial locations: Bankstown (NSW), Shepparton (VIC), Playford (SA) and Logan and Rockhampton (QLD).


  1. A report by the Australian National Audit Office finds the federal government spends more than $100 million per year to administer income management in the Northern Territory. More than 17,000 people are on income management at the end of June 2012, costing the Commonwealth government between $6,600 and $7,900 dollars per person, per year .

  2. Marrickville Council in Sydney's Inner West becomes the first local government body to pass a motion opposing income management. It passes the motion in support of local community services who placed a work ban on referring people to the scheme.

  3. The government expands compulsory income management in the five trial sites and the Northern Territory.


  1. The directors of the Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation (Laynha) based in Yirrkala (North East Arnhem Land, NT) representing many Yolngu clans complain they have received "less services, less funding and less true engagement and consultation" since the intervention and that politicians are not listening to them. They demand self-determination from the government.

  2. The NT intervention has its 10-year anniversary.

  3. Participants of the Stand Up 2017 conference in Alice Springs (23–26 June) assess the impacts of the decade of racist laws and map a way forward. They demand, among other things, the government repeal the intervention legislation and Aboriginal self-determination.

    Ten years too long. Ten years of hardship, neglect and broken promises. We want Aboriginal control.

    — Voice from the Yarrentye Arltere (Larapinta Valley) Town Camp
  4. Five Aboriginal elders respond to the anniversary of the NT intervention and demand an apology to the men of the Northern Territory and their families and communities, the repeal of the Stronger Futures legislation and the return of self-determination and autonomy.

  5. In a Statement from Eminent Australians, 210 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal signatories call for an immediate end to the intervention in the Northern Territory which they consider "an ongoing stain on the Australian nation".


View article sources (3)

[1] 'Income management admin costs over a million a year: Report', National Indigenous Radio Service, 31/1/2013
[2] 'Ten Years Of Intervention – Stand Up 2017 – Standing Up Standing Strong Standing Together', Intervention Rollback Action Group, 29/6/2017
[3] 'Statement of Eminent Australians on the continuing damage caused by the discrimination, racism and lack of justice towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, exemplified by the continuation of the Northern Territory Intervention', Concerned Australians, www.concernedaustralians.com.au/media/Eminent_Persons_Statement_Aug_2017.pdf, retrieved 29/8/2017

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Korff, J 2025, Aboriginal timeline: Northern Territory Intervention, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/australian-aboriginal-history-timeline/northern-territory-intervention?page=3>, retrieved 7 February 2025

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