
Timeline results for 1400 to 2021

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Year from 1400, year to 2021, month is May

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  1. Stolen wages

    The Queensland government launches the Indigenous Wages and Savings Reparations offer. It is capped at $55.6 million and designed to be distributed to living former workers, but not families of deceased workers.


  1. The first official Sorry Day ceremony outside Australia is hosted in Lincoln Fields, London, on 25 May 2005.


  1. An ABCTV Lateline program reports on the abuse of Aboriginal children in NT communities.

  2. Sport

    Boxer Danny Green loses to Aboriginal man Anthony Mundine by points decision over 12 rounds. The fight remains one of the most watched bouts in Australian boxing history.

  3. Conflict

    Victoria is the first state to formally recognise the sacrifice and service of Aboriginal servicemen during the inaugural Honouring Victorian Indigenous Returned Service Men and Women Shrine of Rememberance Service. The service is held each year since.


  1. The Western Australian government announces an investigation into the nature and extent of the 'Stolen Wages' issue. A taskforce was required to report to cabinet by mid-2008.

  2. National History Museum, England. Remains returned after a 20-year battle with the Tasmanian Aboriginal people.


  1. Politics

    South Australia creates the SA Aboriginal Advisory Council (SAAAC) which advises the government on programmes and policies on Aboriginal people. The council is meant to fill the void left by the abolished ATSIC.

  2. Recognition

    Patrick Dodson is the second Australian to receive Australia’s only international peace prize, the Sydney 2008 Peace Prize.


  1. The Australian government allocates the largest amount of funding for a single year in the history of federal budgets to Indigenous affairs: A$4.8 billion. The biggest single item with A$106 million is for the Canberra bureaucracy to manage the income of Aboriginal people under the Northern Territory intervention.

  2. Federal and Northern Territory governments respond to the NTER Review Board recommendations.

  3. The Federal government announces a proposal to compulsorily acquire Alice Springs town camps.


  1. Politics

    Aboriginal academic Megan Davis becomes the first Aboriginal person appointed to a UN body when the Australian government nominates her for the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

  2. Following discussions between Stolen Generations peak organisations and government agencies, the Stolen Generations Working Partnership is launched to track the outstanding recommendations of the Bringing Them Home Report.

  3. Arts

    Michael Leslie wins the $50,000 Red Ochre Award for lifetime achievement in Indigenous dance.


  1. Sport

    Aboriginal boxer Lionel Rose dies aged 62. He was the first Aboriginal boxer to win a world title. Famous Aboriginal sports people

  2. The National Sorry Day Committee releases the first progress scorecard of the Stolen Generations Working Partnership.


  1. Prison

    The NSW Governor launches the Justice Reinvestment Campaign which aims to spend more money on prevention and early intervention than imprisonment.


  1. A 13-year-old girl calls Sydney Swans Aboriginal rugby player Adam Goodes an “ape”, shattering the star. The racist incident comes 20 years after Aboriginal player Nicky Winmar pointed proudly to his black chest in a similar incident. Another comment by television presenter Eddie McGuire a few days later sparks a national debate about racism.


  1. Arts

    Aboriginal singer Jessica Mauboy performs as a guest singer at the 59th Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, becoming the first guest singer from a non-European Union country.


View article sources (1)

[1] 'Aboriginal remains return to Tasmania after 20-year fight', The Guardian 13/5/2007

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Korff, J 2024, Timeline results for 1400 to 2021, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?page=2&q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=1400&yearTo=2021&month=5>, retrieved 3 May 2024

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