
Timeline results for 1400 to 2022

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Year from 1400, year to 2022, month is June

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  1. Treaty

    The Queensland government establishes a $300 million Path to Treaty Fund. It plans to use its returns "to progress Queensland’s Path to Treaty and support the Government’s response to the Treaty Advancement Committee report" which it received on 12 October 2021.

  2. Treaty

    The Tasmanian government vows to take further steps towards reconciliation with the island state's First Nations community, including a truth-telling process and working on a pathway to treaty.

  3. After 40 years of fighting for recognition of their traditional ownership over the Jabiru township, on the eastern side of Kakadu National Park, NT, the Mirarr people received freehold title over the town, the first of its kind in Australia. Jabiru was built in 1978 on Crown Land without the involvement of traditional custodians to service the controversial Ranger uranium mine, majority-owned by Rio Tinto.


  1. Treaty

    The Victorian government passes the Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Bill 2022 to establish an independent body responsible for overseeing a treaty or treaties between the government and Victoria’s First Peoples. The bill gives the treaty authority the legal powers necessary to facilitate negotiations and resolve any disputes between the government and First Nations peoples. The treaty authority will be led by First Nations peoples, independent from government, and grounded in traditional culture, lore, and law.


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[1] 'Budget connects language, culture and Treaty in Queensland', Queensland government media statement 15/6/2021

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Korff, J 2024, Timeline results for 1400 to 2022, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?page=5&q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=1400&yearTo=2022&month=6>, retrieved 24 April 2024

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