
Timeline results for 1986 to 1986

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Year from 1986, year to 1986, month is January

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  1. Arts Stamps
    A skinny spirit holds an egg-shaped object while its legs frame the continent of Australia.
    A Wandjina spirit protects the land.

    This stamp issue shows the continent of Australia cradled and protected by a Wandjina spirit. He holds a second egg in his hand, a symbol of perfection and rebirth. It also refers to the unbroken (and still misunderstood) Aboriginal spirit and how the land owns its people.

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Korff, J 2024, Timeline results for 1986 to 1986, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=1986&yearTo=1986&month=1>, retrieved 26 April 2024

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