Timeline results for 2000 to 2010
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Year from 2000, year to 2010
Nathan Jawai is the first Aboriginal Australian basketball player to be drafted into North America’s National Basketball Association (NBA), playing for the Toronto Raptors.
Edinburgh University, Scotland. Return of the last remains in its collection to members of the Ngarrindjeri people (SA).
400 Aboriginal men take part in an Aboriginal male health summit and issue the Inteyerrkwe Statement, an apology from men to women for violence and abuse.
The Rudd government announces a BasicsCard to manage the income of all Aboriginal Centrelink recipients in the NT.
The High Court hands down its Blue Mud Bay decision which says that the Northern Territory government could not grant commercial fishing operators licenses for areas within the boundaries of the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Act. This affects 80% of the NT’s coast and tidal rivers where revenues of licenses flow now to Aboriginal people instead of the white government.
The Canberra suburb of Bonner names public places and roads after prominent Aboriginal leaders and their supporters. The suburb itself was named after Neville Bonner, the first Aboriginal person to sit in federal parliament as a Senator for Queensland from 1971 to 1983.
Medical specialists and officers make a submission to the NT Emergency Review Board detailing chronic under-funding of existing health services, a lack of consultation with health professionals and Aboriginal communities, and the inadequacy of performing child health checks, which often duplicated information that was already known, at great cost and with little benefit.
‘Wunubi Spring’, a painting by Freddie Timms, an artist from the Warmun community in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, becomes the world’s first chemically protected Indigenous artwork. Intended to prevent fraudulent sale, a mixture of chemicals is added to the artist’s paint and cannot be entirely removed from a painting.
In his swearing-in speech, High Court Chief Justice Robert French acknowledges the Ngunnawal people present as the ‘traditional people’ of the area and pays tribute to Aboriginal culture and history. It is believed to be the first time such comments came from Australia’s highest legal seat.
Centrelink begins distributing the BasicsCard in the Northern Territory.
The Greens introduce the Stolen Generations Reparations Tribunal Bill. This bill seeks to implement 'reparations', a key recommendation of the Bringing Them Home report.
Reparation is much more than monetary compensation and includes "measures such as funding for healing centres, community education projects, community genealogy projects, and funding for access to counselling services, health services, language and culture training for the Stolen Generations." [1]
Just reparations are essential to repairing the enduring social, economic and cultural harm experienced by the Stolen Generations.
— Rachel Siewert, Greens Senator [1] -
The Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Board provides independent review of the first 12 months of the NT Intervention to the Australian government.
The Devils Marbles (Karlu Karlu) site in the Northern Territory is handed back to traditional owners after a 28-year native title battle. Its owners consider Karlu Karlu as one of the most significant sacred sites.
Charite Medical History Museum, Berlin, Germany. The museum's director announces his intent to return the skulls of 18 Aboriginal Australians taken to Germany more than 100 years ago. The Charite would be the first scientific institution in Germany to return remains.
Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting where state and federal heads announce they will contribute $806 million (federal) and $772 million (all states) into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health over the next four years, the biggest single injection of Indigenous health spending in decades.
The Aborigines Welfare Fund worth $10.8 million is absorbed into a new Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education foundation, which the government says will supply about 100 scholarships a year worth $20,000 each to young Aboriginal people.
Also to be absorbed into the foundation will be about $15 million unclaimed from the $55.4 million stolen wages reparations fund set up by the Beattie government in 2002 [2].
University of Oxford, Britain agrees to hand over the remains of three Aboriginal people. The three human skulls and lower jaws - acquired in the 1860s and held in its museum of natural history - belong to the Ngarrindjeri people from Goolwa (Port Elliot) in South Australia [3].
It seemed so utterly unreasonable that the British Museum needed – actually needed – 1570 sets of remains from Aboriginal men, women and children.
— John Danalis in his book 'Riding the Black Cockatoo' -
The Queensland government announces a new Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council. The council should provide a direct link between Indigenous people and the government. The 14 members are appointed for a two-year period.
During the 2009 swine flu outbreak, Aboriginal people make up 11% of all identified cases, 20% of hospitalisations and 13% of deaths. [4] There were 3.2 times more Aboriginal people admitted to hospital than non-Aboriginal people, 4 times as many admissions to intensive care units and 4.5 times the number of deaths.
Italy and Australia sign a repatriation agreement.
View article sources (4)
'Stolen Gen Bill gains support', Koori Mail 436 p.35
'State Government's dodgy deal', Courier-Mail, 30/11/2008
'Oxford Uni to return Aboriginal remains', LiveNews, 17/12/2008, livenews.com.au/articles/2008/12/17/Oxford_Uni_to_return_Aboriginal_remains
'Indigenous coronavirus taskforce meets as remote communities restrict access', The Guardian 6/3/2020