Aboriginal land books

Aboriginal Biocultural Knowledge in South-eastern Australia
Aboriginal Biocultural Knowledge in South-eastern Australia
Fred Cahir, Ian D. Clark, Philip A. Clarke 360
Against Native Title
Against Native Title
Eve Vincent 212
Australia's First Naturalists
Australia's First Naturalists
Penny Olsen, Lynette Russell 228
Country of the Heart
Country of the Heart
Deborah Bird Rose 176
Country: Future Fire, Future Farming
Country: Future Fire, Future Farming
Bill Gammage, Bruce Pascoe 224
Crosscurrents: Law and Society in a Native Title Claim to Land and Sea
Crosscurrents: Law and Society in a Native Title Claim to Land and Sea
Kate Glaskin 250
Dark Emu: Black Seeds
Dark Emu: Black Seeds
Bruce Pascoe 176
Discovering Aboriginal Plant Use
Discovering Aboriginal Plant Use
Philip A Clarke 240
Fire and Hearth
Fire and Hearth
Sylvia J Hallam 220
Fire and the Story of Burning Country
Fire and the Story of Burning Country
Cape York Elders, Peter McConchie (ed) 108
Fire Country
Fire Country
Victor Steffensen 240
Fire, Water and Land in Indigenous Australia
Fire, Water and Land in Indigenous Australia
Marie Carla D. Adone, Melanie A. Brück (eds.) 122
Invasion to Embassy
Invasion to Embassy
Heather Goodall 532
Invisible Country
Invisible Country
Bill Bunbury 270
Loving Country: A Guide to Sacred Australia
Loving Country: A Guide to Sacred Australia
Bruce Pascoe, Vicky Shukuroglou 328
Noongar Bush Tucker
Noongar Bush Tucker
Vivienne Hansen, John Horsfall 442
Our Birds: Nilimurrungu Wayin Malanynha
Our Birds: Nilimurrungu Wayin Malanynha
Siena Stubbs 48
Sorry, no image for: Virginia Marshall - Overturning aqua nullius: Securing Aboriginal water rights.
Overturning aqua nullius: Securing Aboriginal water rights
Virginia Marshall 256
Protest, Land Rights and Riots
Protest, Land Rights and Riots
Barry Morris 276
Something About Emus
Something About Emus
Murray Garde (ed.) 176
The Biggest Estate on Earth
The Biggest Estate on Earth
Bill Gammage 384
The Power of Bones
The Power of Bones
Keelen Mailman 272
Treading Lightly: The Hidden Wisdom of the World’s Oldest People
Treading Lightly: The Hidden Wisdom of the World’s Oldest People
Karl Erik Sveiby, Tex Skuthorpe 304
Sorry, no image for: Joy Murphy, Lisa Kennedy - Welcome To Country.
Welcome To Country
Joy Murphy, Lisa Kennedy 32
What Do We Want? A Political History of Aboriginal Land Rights in NSW
What Do We Want? A Political History of Aboriginal Land Rights in NSW
Heidi Norman 288

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AnthologiesArtsAutobiographyBusiness and EconomyChildrenEducationFiction, NovelsHealthHistoryHumourLanguageLaw and JusticeMythologyPeoplePoliticsSpirituality and PoetrySportTextbooks, Teaching, StudiesTravel

Aboriginal book: The Wonder of Little Things
Aboriginal book: William Cooper: An Aboriginal Life Story
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Aboriginal book: White Fragility : Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
Aboriginal book: Looking After Country with Fire
Aboriginal book: The Dreaming Path: Indigenous Thinking to Change Your Life

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Korff, J 1970, Aboriginal land books, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/resources/books/land>, retrieved 23 October 2024

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