Aboriginal arts books

A Man Called Yarra
A Man Called Yarra
Stan Yarramunua, Robert Hillman 256
Aboriginal Artist Greeting Card Set
Aboriginal Artist Greeting Card Set
Various artists 12
Albert Namatjira
Albert Namatjira
National Gallery of Australia 112
Art + Soul
Art + Soul
Hetti Perkins 304
Australia – The Vatican Museum's Indigenous Collection
Australia – The Vatican Museum's Indigenous Collection
Bruce Pascoe , Katherine Aigner (ed.) 400
Battarbee and Namatjira
Battarbee and Namatjira
Martin Edmond 368
Between Indigenous Australia and Europe: John Mawurndjul
Between Indigenous Australia and Europe: John Mawurndjul
Claus Volkenandt, Christian Kaufmann (eds) 350
Buried Country - The Story of Aboriginal Country Music
Buried Country - The Story of Aboriginal Country Music
Clinton Walker 368
Clan: Bangarra Dance Theatre
Clan: Bangarra Dance Theatre
Stephen Page, Greg Barrett 176
Dancing in Shadows: Histories of Nyungar Performance
Dancing in Shadows: Histories of Nyungar Performance
Anna Haebich 350
Deadly Woman Blues: Black Women and Australian music
Deadly Woman Blues: Black Women and Australian music
Clinton Walker 256
Defying Empire: 3rd National Indigenous Art Triennial
Defying Empire: 3rd National Indigenous Art Triennial
National Gallery of Australia 160
Desert Writing
Desert Writing
Terri-Ann White 250
Design: Building on Country
Design: Building on Country
Alison Page, Paul Memmott, Margo Neale (Editor) 228
Encounters - Revealing Stories of Aboriginal Objects from the British Museum
Encounters - Revealing Stories of Aboriginal Objects from the British Museum
British Museum 240
Gurrumul: His Life and Music
Gurrumul: His Life and Music
Robert Hillman 356
Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture
Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture
Elizabeth Grant, Kelly Greenop, Albert L. Refiti, Daniel J. Glenn (eds) 1001
How Aborigines Invented the Idea of Contemporary Art
How Aborigines Invented the Idea of Contemporary Art
Ian W. McLean (ed) 360
Indigenous Archives – The Making and Unmaking of Aboriginal Art
Indigenous Archives – The Making and Unmaking of Aboriginal Art
Darren Jorgensen, Ian W. McLean (eds.) 450
Indigenous Australia - Enduring Civilisation
Indigenous Australia - Enduring Civilisation
Gaye Sculthorpe 272
Lives of the Papunya Tula Artists
Lives of the Papunya Tula Artists
Vivien Johnson 416
Mawurndjul: Rarrk
Mawurndjul: Rarrk
John Mawurndjul 264
Midawarr Harvest: The Art of Mulkum Wirrpanda and John Wolseley
Midawarr Harvest: The Art of Mulkum Wirrpanda and John Wolseley
Will Stubbs, John Wolseley (eds.) 208
Ngaanyatjarra: Art of the Lands
Ngaanyatjarra: Art of the Lands
Tim Acker, John Carty Tim Acker, John Carty
Old Masters – Australia's Great Bark Painters
Old Masters – Australia's Great Bark Painters
National Museum of Australia 256
Our Mob, God's Story
Our Mob, God's Story
Louise Sherman, Christobel Mattingley (eds.) 240
Lily Hibberd, Bonney Djuric (editors) 224
Power + Colour
Power + Colour
Jane Raffan 368
Rattling Spears
Rattling Spears
Ian McLean 272
Remembering the Future
Remembering the Future
Melinda Hinkson 224
Singing the Land: The Power of Performance in Aboriginal Life
Singing the Land: The Power of Performance in Aboriginal Life
Jill Stubington 320
Songlines – Tracking the Seven Sisters
Songlines – Tracking the Seven Sisters
Margo Neale (ed.) 256
Songs from the Stations
Songs from the Stations
Myfany Turpin, Felicity Meakins, Erika Charola, Brenda L. Croft (photographer) 180
Steady Steady - The Life and Music of Seaman Dan
Steady Steady - The Life and Music of Seaman Dan
Seaman Dan, Karl Neuenfeldt 256
The Art of the First Fleet
The Art of the First Fleet
Lisa Di Tommaso 112
The Circuit
The Circuit
Beck Cole, Dot West, Jane Harrison, Kelly Lefever, Kootji Raymond, Mitch Torres 224
The Dealer is The Devil
The Dealer is The Devil
Adrian Newstead 480
The National Picture: The Art of Tasmania's Black War
The National Picture: The Art of Tasmania's Black War
Tim Bonyhady, Greg Lehman 256
The Streets of Papunya
The Streets of Papunya
Vivien Johnson 240
The Wanarn Painters of Place and Time
The Wanarn Painters of Place and Time
David Brooks, Darren Jorgensen 100
Timothy Cook - Dancing with the Moon
Timothy Cook - Dancing with the Moon
Seva Frangos 250
Jennifer Isaacs 256
What is Aboriginal art?
What is Aboriginal art?
Margo Birnberg 36
Yannima Pikarli Tommy Watson
Yannima Pikarli Tommy Watson
Marie Geissler, Ken McGregor 208

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AnthologiesAutobiographyBusiness and EconomyChildrenEducationFiction, NovelsHealthHistoryHumourLandLanguageLaw and JusticeMythologyPeoplePoliticsSpirituality and PoetrySportTextbooks, Teaching, StudiesTravel

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Korff, J 1970, Aboriginal arts books, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/resources/books/arts>, retrieved 23 October 2024

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