
Our Law (Series 1)


The six-part series Our Law follows the incredible response to the groundbreaking standalone documentary in 2020 and is asking the question, “Could First Nations police officers be the ultimate front-line in changing police culture and rebuilding trust with Aboriginal peoples?”

Our Law not only shines a light on the policing of First Nations peoples in Western Australia – through the lens of First Nations police officers and the peoples and communities they police – but is providing solutions based contemporary evidence when looking at the historical and contemporary issues of relations between First Nations peoples and the WA police.

After 170 years of locked doors and sealed lips, documentary cameras are now granted intimate and candid access to the First Nations officers and cadets attempting to break the cycle of Aboriginal incarceration and repair a deeply troubled relationship between police and First Nations people, while giving voice to the communities being policed.


Episode 1

First Nations cadets and police officers set out to try to build a law that’s fair for everyone.

Episode 2

The cadets are deployed to their regional posting to experience the realities of frontline policing.

Episode 3

The cadets return to the academy after an eye-opening first few weeks on the job, and are set to do their fitness test.

Episode 4

The cadets have to deal with a harrowing frontline experience and one will finally buckle under the pressure.

Episode 5

The cadets make some big decisions; the force says goodbye to a well-loved First Nations officer; Cohen draws upon his spirituality.

Episode 6

A crucial fitness test stands between the cadets and the finish line; each of the frontline officers make a life changing decision.



Tiarna Eades
Tyler Maxwell
Cohen Taylor
Leroy Rundle
Hannah Wielgomasz
Shaye Taylor
Paulette Brown
Wendy Kelly
Brock Tucker
Ace Kiernan
Release dates
5 January 2023 - NITV
PG - Parental guidance

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Korff, J 2023, Our Law (Series 1), <>, retrieved 18 October 2024

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