
Windjarrameru (The Stealing C*nt$)


Windjarrameru (The Stealing C*nt$) is a piece of improvisational realism. A group of four Aboriginal young men are holed up in a chemically compromised mangrove swamp having been falsely accused of stealing two cartons of beer, while at the edge of the standoff miners are ransacking the country.

Other characters are two corrupt miners and two local men illicitly sampling a possible iron ore deposit that sat dangerously close to a sacred site; a community land-ranger group secretly tracking their furtive activities; community kids who, arriving at the scene of the standoff, immediately pocket a police siren for fun; community parents worried that if their sons don’t emerge from the swamp they’ll be harmed by the chemical spill and if they do emerge they will be locked away in a Darwin jail; nyudj (ancestral spirits) inhabiting the same landscape and playing tricks on the young men; and a well-intentioned but befuddled white woman from aboriginal legal aid trying to understand what the possible theft of two cartons of beer might have to do with potential illegal mining in the area.



Release dates
1 August 2015: World Premiere at the 2015 Melbourne International Film Festival
G - general

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Korff, J 2018, Windjarrameru (The Stealing C*nt$), <>, retrieved 18 October 2024

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