Aboriginal country musicians

ArtistNumber of albumsGenre(s)
Adam James 8 Blues, Country, Rock
Ali Arjibuk (Allyson Jean) Mills 1 Country
Anne Conway 4 Country, Folk, World
Ashley Coleman 1 Country, Folk, Reggae
Baamba (Stephen Albert) 1 Country
Black Image Band 3 Blues, Country, Reggae, Rock
Bob Wilson 2 Country
Brian Peacock 1 Blues, Country, Pop, Rock
Coloured Stone 19 Country, Reggae, Rock
Country Wranglers 1 Country, Gospel
Dan Sultan 9 Country, Soul, Roots
David Hudson 43 Country, Folk
Dougie Young 0 Country
Emma Donovan 4 Country, Gospel, Reggae
Fitzroy Xpress 4 Country, Rock
Harold Dalywaters 3 Country, Gospel, Rock
Iwantja 1 Blues, Country, Reggae, Rock
Jacinta Price 1 Country, Folk, Pop, Roots, World
James Henry 2 Country, Folk, Rock
James Williams 3 Country, Folk, Pop
Jayden Lillyst 0 Blues, Country, Hip Hop & Rap, Soul, Rock
Jimmy Little 82 Country, Pop, Reggae
John Bennett 1 Country
June Mills (Gunluckii Nimul) 1 Country, Folk
Kerrianne Cox 4 Blues, Country, Folk
L J Hill 2 Country
Lawrence Barlow 1 Country
Leah Flanagan 4 Country, Folk, Jazz, Pop, Soul
Lionel Rose 5 Country
Lou Bennett 3 Country, Folk
Mark A Hunter 2 Country
Peter Brandy 2 Country, Folk, Gospel, Rock
Rhubee Neale 9 Blues, Country, Folk, Jazz
Robert Wharton 2 Country, Reggae, Rock
Roger Knox 7 Country
Sharnee Fenwick 2 Country
Sharon "Shaz" Lane 2 Country, Rock
Soundtracks of Aboriginal movies 24 Blues, Country, Electronic, Folk, Pop, Reggae, Rock
The MERRg 3 Country, Reggae, Rock
Tiddas 10 Country, Folk, World
Trevor Adamson 3 Country
Troy Cassar-Daley 21 Country
Vic Simms 8 Country, Jazz, Rock
Walkabout Boys 0 Country, Reggae, Rock
Warren H. Williams 7 Country
Warumpi Band 10 Country, Rock
Western Desert Band 2 Country

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Korff, J 2024, Aboriginal country musicians, <https://stage.creativespirits.info/resources/music/country>, retrieved 24 October 2024

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