

Sydney, NSW, Australia
About Freshwater

Band members: Sisters Lucy Simpson (vocals, Yuwaalaraay nation), Nardi Simpson (vocals and guitar, Yuwaalaraay nation with ties to Gamilaraay country), Jilda Simpson (vocals, Yuwaalaraay nation) and best friend Kaleena Briggs (vocals, Yorta Yorta / Wiradjuri nation).

The Freshwater girls sing their songs in all four languages.


Freshwater was formed in 2005.

Freshwater band members
The Freshwater Girls (top to bottom, left to right): Jilda Simpson, Kaleena Briggs, Lucy Simpson and Nardi Simpson. Picture courtesy Freshwater


Album formats explained

Album formats

  • 10": 10 inch vinyl records were played at 45 or 33 1/3 rounds per minute (rpm). The former could hold 9, the latter 12 minutes of music per side.
  • 7": 7 inch records (often referred to as 45s) were played at 45 rpm or 33 1/3 rpm, with about 4:30 or 6 minutes of music per side.
  • LP: Long play, is a vinyl record played at ​33 1⁄3 rpm with a 12 or 10-inch diameter.
  • EP: Extended play, are vinyl records that allowed two or even three songs on each side.

Demo album

Freshwater - Demo album
  1. River Song
  2. Mingun
  3. Bila Mying
  4. Banji
  5. Yil Lull
  6. Gayarra
  7. Weyaar
  8. Dharga
  9. Goolumbulli
  10. Yundool

Note that the CD is not available in the shops, email: [email protected].

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Korff, J 2018, Freshwater, <>, retrieved 18 October 2024

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